We no longer do commissions.
Most of the work I produce is a combination of traditional Stained Glass technique mixed with a Low Brow, Pop Surrealist sensibility. I work in two ways with flat glass: either engraving flash glass and layering it for panels, or painting with powdered glass and then engineering a piece to have the moving parts. The goal is always to find new ways of utilizing the material, and experiments abound. The themes I lean toward are fantastical and historical, themes that are as magical as the medium.

Genevieve Geer was born and bred in Massachusetts and slowly zig zagged her way down the East Coast to settle in Philadelphia Pa. During her southern journey, she attended Parsons School of Design in New York City and The Museum School in Boston. She majored in both illustration and animation. Within a week of her arrival in Philadelphia, she began to train as a glass blower, apprenticing for different glass artists and studios in the area. In 2013 she started Le Puppet Regime, a small glass company specializing in articulated, illustrated glass. In 2018, she opened a brick and mortar location to expand her designs into lighting and furniture. In 2023 she and her husband, the artist Sam Geer, purchased a 100 year old Train Station in upstate New York to become the new home for Le Puppet Regime.